Utilities for Sebastian Cove:  April 16, 2020

Electricity: Tri-County EMC, P.O. Box 487, Gray, GA 31032
tri-countyemc.com, 478 986-8100 or 1-866-254-8100

Water: Piedmont Water, P.O. Box913, Greensboro, GA 30642
706 484-1922 or 800 248-7689

Gas: City of Eatonton, P.O. Box 3820, Eatonton, GA31024
Walk-In address: 201 N. Jefferson Ave, Eatonton, Ga 31024
eatontonga.us, 706 485-3311

Cable Company: Hargray Cable, P.O. Box 2000, Hilton Head Island, SC 29938
hargray.com, 1-877-427-4729

Garbage Pickup: You can select any garbage company available for our area or use the recycling center located off Harmony Road at 159 Sammons Industrial Parkway.